Another Issue with WebService/JSONPath

I have an application (WinShuttle Evolve) that has a concept of “Reference Data Lists”. Essentially, a workflow within the app can reference a list of values. In our case, it’s people who are allowed to approve certain things within the app. They have asked me to consider these an entitlement that we want to use in certification campaigns. Unfortunately, the API for this app cannot return all lists at once, you must reference it directly. Here’s what the JSON looks like for a sample list request

    "@odata.context": "",
    "value": [
            "aName": "Jon Smith",
            "aEmail_Address": "[email protected]"
            "aName": "Krista Smith",
            "aEmail_Address": "[email protected]"
            "aName": "Previous Period",
            "aEmail_Address": "[email protected]"
            "aName": "Chris Smith",
            "aEmail_Address": "[email protected]"
            "aName": "David Smith",
            "aEmail_Address": "David,[email protected]"
            "aName": "Sarah Smith",
            "aEmail_Address": "[email protected]"

If I just want to pull in accounts for an aggregation, then I can use
Root Path: $.value
Attribute Path: aEmail_Address

However, if I want to include the attribute @odata.context as the ID for an entitlement, I cannot get this to work. If I ignore for now trying to get the @odata.context attribute value and just try to get the aEmail_Address values, I try it like this

Root Path: null
Attribute Path: value[*].aEmail_Address

This doesn’t seem to work, which is very frustrating because I have another source with the exact same mapping that does work.

Any thoughts?