In my response configuration, I’ve tried a million different response mapping combos, trying to retrieve the “id” from this jsonarray. Only time I was able to pull an id is if I limit my response to the first element in the array in via a root path of $[0]. Has anyone solved this? Seems pretty basic, thanks for any help. Below is what I would expect to be a logical jsonpath solution.
Thanks Colin, knowing its Goesner will help in the future im sure. However, still not picking up this entitlement using *.id for response mapping and $ for root path. Any other ideas?
Try using * as the Root Path and id as the attribute path.
The Root Path defines a prefix that will be applied to all of your Attribute Paths. So a Root Path of * and Attribute Path of id will condense to *.id when the connector evaluates the logic. If your Root Path is $ and your Attribute Path is *.id, it will evaluate to $.*.id, which isn’t valid JSON path.
Ok, I think I have it. I implemented a web service connector that returns an array for account aggregation. The API for the source returns the following:
Add to your test, a second account aggregation that retrieves an array of entitlements, and pull all entitlements into a multivalued entitlement column. Thats the problem im facing.
After my first account aggregation, I get a list of user IDs. I need to use these user IDs to call a separate endpoint to get each user’s multi valued entitlements. My second account aggregation uses the Parent Endpoint tab to configure this.