Web Services Connector - Entitlement aggregation - result with jsonarray as the root

Hey everyone. I am trying to do something that should be pretty simple. I have a web services connector that will do the following

  • aggregate group entitlement
  • aggregate accounts
  • aggregate accounts group memberships (entitlements)

My source API for the groups is an array at the root, it looks like this:


        "name": "ABC",
        "description": "Blah Falls",
        "code": "ABC",
        "linesOfCare": [
        "dateCreated": "2021-03-10T14:30:04.82Z",
        "dateUpdated": "2021-03-10T14:30:04.82Z",
        "id": "1233"
        "name": "Test Security Group",
        "description": " ",
        "code": "TEST_SECURITY_GROUP",
        "linesOfCare": [
        "dateCreated": "2021-03-10T14:29:09.08Z",
        "dateUpdated": "2021-03-10T14:29:09.08Z",
        "id": "1234"

In my response configuration, I’ve tried a million different response mapping combos, trying to retrieve the “id” from this jsonarray. Only time I was able to pull an id is if I limit my response to the first element in the array in via a root path of $[0]. Has anyone solved this? Seems pretty basic, thanks for any help. Below is what I would expect to be a logical jsonpath solution.

Hi @questjj ,

Response mapping in web service connector users Goessner JSON Path. Try this:


I pasted your sample into https://jsonpath.herokuapp.com/ and selected the Goessner output type. You can find information about Goessner JSON Path online, and we also have some documentation in our portal.

Thanks Colin, knowing its Goesner will help in the future im sure. However, still not picking up this entitlement using *.id for response mapping and $ for root path. Any other ideas?

Try using * as the Root Path and id as the attribute path.

The Root Path defines a prefix that will be applied to all of your Attribute Paths. So a Root Path of * and Attribute Path of id will condense to *.id when the connector evaluates the logic. If your Root Path is $ and your Attribute Path is *.id, it will evaluate to $.*.id, which isn’t valid JSON path.

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No luck. The only way I’ve got anything to link is grabbing only one item in the array

$.[0] And id

Ok, I think I have it. I implemented a web service connector that returns an array for account aggregation. The API for the source returns the following:

    "id": 0,
    "username": "string",
    "name": "string",
    "avatar_template": "string",
    "email": "string",
    "secondary_emails": [
    "active": true,
    "admin": true,
    "moderator": true,
    "last_seen_at": "string",
    "last_emailed_at": "string",
    "created_at": "string",
    "last_seen_age": 0,
    "last_emailed_age": 0,
    "created_at_age": 0,
    "trust_level": 0,
    "manual_locked_trust_level": "string",
    "flag_level": 0,
    "title": "string",
    "time_read": 0,
    "staged": true,
    "days_visited": 0,
    "posts_read_count": 0,
    "topics_entered": 0,
    "post_count": 0

Here is what I did to get the attributes of each array item:

Add to your test, a second account aggregation that retrieves an array of entitlements, and pull all entitlements into a multivalued entitlement column. Thats the problem im facing.

I think I have that one too :slight_smile:

After my first account aggregation, I get a list of user IDs. I need to use these user IDs to call a separate endpoint to get each user’s multi valued entitlements. My second account aggregation uses the Parent Endpoint tab to configure this.

Here is what the second API returns:

  "id": 0,
  "username": "string",
  "name": "string",
  "groups": [
      "id": 0,
      "automatic": true,
      "name": "string",
      "display_name": "string",

Here is how I configured Account Aggregation 2 to aggregate the groups as multivalued entitlements for each user.

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Close! Try to do it with a groups array that doesnt have have a “groups” node. just

“id”: 0,
“automatic”: true,
“name”: “string”,
“display_name”: “string”,
“id”: 1,
“automatic”: true,
“name”: “string1”,
“display_name”: “string”,
}, …

That should just be a root path of $ and attribute path of id

that was the first thing I tried. If you get a chance, see if you can get it to work from your sample project.

abandoning ship and going custom connector.

hey @colin_mckibben I have a similar path I’m trying to go down

Here is the json when you ask for the group membership of a specific user

    "header": {
        "relationships": [
        "query_rows": 1,
        "sort_order": [
        "primary_key": [
        "data_rows": 1
    "data": [
            "rel_id": 169,
            "group_id": 121,
            "create_ts": "2022-02-17 15:11:18.215613+00",
            "update_user": 254,
            "create_user": 254,
            "role_id": null,
            "user_id": 255,
            "update_ts": "2022-02-17 15:11:18.215613+00"

And here is what my configuration looks like

Context URL


Root path


Response Mapping

Schema attribute Attribute Path
entitlements [*].group_id

And here’s my account schema

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