How to aggregate WS Rest API data if response is an annonymous array?

Hi all! I have a Web Service that returns a json like this:

      "id": "xxx",
      "fieldN": "....."
      "id": "yyy".
      "fieldN": "...."

I am having trouble in getting aggregation work. I tried several root paths, por example

But all returns 0 accounts. I have in the same tenant another WS, that has the structure

        "id": "xxx",
        "fieldN": "....."
        "id": "yyy".
        "fieldN": "...."

and Root Path $.data works fine. I think problem comes whith other WS because array is annonymous. Have anybody deal with some ws like this?

Here’s an example where I’m only pulling in a single attribute “groupId”. In this case it’s the second step of an account aggregation process in which we are only pulling in a list of group Id’s associated with each user:

Map newMap = new HashMap();
List newList1 = new ArrayList();
for(Map m : processedResponseObject) {
	if(m.get("groupId") != null) { newList1.add(m.get("groupId")); }
newMap.put("groupId", newList1);
processedResponseObject = new ArrayList();
Map returnMap = new HashMap();
returnMap.put("data", processedResponseObject);
return returnMap;
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Hi, after some headaches of trying/error we find solution.

On root path, we left only $[*]


Then, on Response Mapping configuration, we left attribute path columns with field names only. We are getting accounts now.

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