Add Buttons/Redirection in IDN Forms

I am creating a workflow that will send a form to the non-employee manager to make some decisions on revalidating a contractor. In this form I would love to have the options for a manager to be able to extend a contractors End Date, Terminate Contractor, or be able to update the contractor’s manager. My client would like the termination and manger update to go through their current ServiceNow form for contractor updates or contractor terminations because it is a current process, they use outside of the revalidation process and has its own approvals flows to follow.

So, my question is it possible to create a button in a form that redirects them to the ServiceNow form? Or is it possible to have a drop-down selection that if they select terminate then clicks submit that it will redirect them to the ServiceNow form?

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We don’t have the option of adding a button on Form.

You can take manager’s input from a select field or toggle etc which ever works for you and then have them submit the Form. Once submitted you can read the formData and then process the options from within Workflow. In workflow you can send an email notification to manager with their selection information and the link to redirect them to SNow.


Thanks for the response. It would make it to convenient if there was a way to add a button with a redirection.

Your option is one of the ones I was looking at. I am possible now going to look at maybe taking the response info and calling SNow API to see if I can generate a ticket using the process in place.

But at least I know that button is not an option.

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I agree. A button might add more capabilities to forms functionality.

If you need any help with creating tickets from workflows, please read my blog post here, maybe it will help.


Thank you for response. I will look at the post regarding the ServiceNow tickets.

I had one last question that you might be able to assist with. Do you know if it is possible to have a form that might have a list of a managers reports and then have the ability for the manager to make a selection for each one to extend or terminate?


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The short answer is, Yes, you can do it on one form.

One way to do it:
Section 1 : Users to Extend
Section 2: Users to Terminate

Both sections will have it’s own select field based on a search query to pull the managers direct reports. Allow multiple selection options on the select field. On form submission you would know from formData which group of users to extend and which ones to term.

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