Active Directory AD Sync issue while modification

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Version 8.3

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During the attribute sync run for the Active Directory the modification for AD has been getting failed while updating the user identity for manager attribute.

Error(s) reported back from the IQService - Failed to update attributes for identity CN=Lindsey N. Rose,OU=Managed,OU=Users,OU=LAG,OU=Marin Sonoma,DC=cs,DC=msds,DC=kp,DC=org. A constraint violation occurred.

The ‘A constraint violation occurred’ error normally occurs if an attribute included in the object create request doesn’t meet the defined requirements for the attribute i.e. value is not a DN, not a valid country code, trying to update a backlink attribute, system attribute.

The suggestion would be iteratively remove attributes from the creation request to see which one is causing the problem. Also check the IQService logs. Also do share the logs for more insights.

@officialamitguptaa - What I see in the access request for the manager update the value from SailPoint for manager is getting passed with ‘Check Config’ which might causing the constraint violation failure but not exactly sure.

@pkjoshi059 - please share the iqservice logs file. You will find the logs on the iqservice connector server.

it may be due the manager doesn’t exist in active directory i.e. check the distinguished name of manager is correct or not … should be able to find the user in AD if you search user in AD by the manager distinguished name.


That may be one of the possible cause.

Thanks @officialamitguptaa and @HemantSingh - Issue has been resolved now. Thanks for the support.

@pkjoshi059 - That’s good to hear. What was the exact issue?
Also mark the post as solution provided.

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