Access request approval


When approving the access request, we have made it mandatory to enter the comments to deny.

When you click deny on the first page, it takes you to enter the comments in the next pop-up window.


The “Deny” option is greyed out until we enter comments. After entering the comments, both approve and deny are available, and there is a chance that approvers can accidentally approve the request instead of deny it.

Is it possible to grey out the “approve” option when we enter comments to deny or change the color of approve and deny?

If I am not wrong, if you enable the commenting compulsion for Approval as well then both will get disabled until you add a comment.
But the request to change colour or so does not resonate the entire UI synergy.
Also, on your first snapshot if you select Approve or Deny in both cases it will take you to the same screen if commenting is mandatory for either or both types. Making it a generic design for both the options.

The action was already deny, why to show approve again in next popup while entering comments, may be it needs to be changed to Approve/Deny, Cancel options.

Hello Krishna
You can raise a Ticket in Ideas Portal with a suggestion for them to Just keep Deny once they Selected Deny on previous screen, as that need to be passed along.
Cancel with Approve/Deny seems to be a fair ask. This moreover looks nothing but a Design Issue.


Access request approve/deny UI feature | SailPoint Ideas Portal

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