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Hi Sailors,
We are upgrading our identityiq environment from 8.3p3 to 8.4 GA. while upgrading we are facing the below error
FAILURE: An unexpected error occurred: Could not find unique class sailpoint.object.YAMLConfig with name AccessHistoryExtractConfig
2024-07-03T10:13:53,343 ERROR main sailpoint.server.upgrade.Upgrader:1149 - Could not find unique class sailpoint.object.YAMLConfig with name AccessHistoryExtractConfig
Hi @enistri_devo
Thanks for the reply. I have verified checksum for and it is matching. But I could not find the AccessHistoryExtractConfig class in the identityiq jar. is there any specific location where i need to find it?
Yes, its a class.
I check and i dont find the AccessHistoryExtractConfig in YAMLConfig, and YAMLConfig is not present in 8.3 version.
For me, you have 3 ways:
Create in this class a false class called AccessHistoryExtractConfig, and watch what happens
Delete the reference to the AccessHistoryExtractConfig class, but you need to search in configuration files and i think this could be a little dangerous.
write to the support of SP, because its very strange call a class that dont exist.
Also, i think in upgrade phase, something searchs this class due to some configuration. I find only this reference to YAMLConfig into documentation:
@enistri_devo Thanks for your insight on this. we have found out the root cause for this issue. The actual issue was with the DB tables for our DB user. Sailpoint has introduced the 3 new tables in the 8.4 for identityiq schema (identityiq.spt_named_timestamp, identityiq.spt_intercepted_delete, identityiq.spt_yamlconfig) and our db user was missing the permission’s for these tables.
good, I asked about db the first time, because the upgrade to 8.4 involves a lot of changes into DB, also another database in addition to idenityiq & plugin
Can you confirm if some build is failing during your war building and deploying. Also, can you check the build properties if it is pointing to correct version for upgrade as AccessHistory is the new addition in 8.4 and it should be present.