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Gets list of Uploaded backups



Returns a list of the current uploaded backups associated with the current tenant. A filter "status" can be added to only return the Completed, Failed, or Successful uploads


Query Parameters

    status string

    Filter listed uploaded backups by status of operation

    Example: COMPLETE


List of existing uploaded backups.


  • Array [

  • jobId stringrequired

    Unique id assigned to this job.

    status stringrequired


    Status of the job.

    type stringrequired

    Possible values: [BACKUP, DRAFT]

    Type of the job, either Backup or Draft.

    tenant string

    The name of the tenant performing the upload

    requesterName string

    The name of the requester.

    created date-timerequired

    The time the job was started.

    modified date-timerequired

    The time of the last update to the job.

    name string

    The name assigned to the upload file in the request body.

    userCanDelete boolean

    Default value: true

    Is the job a regular backup job, if so is the user allowed to delete the backup file. Since this is an upload job it remains as false.

    isPartial boolean

    Is the job a regular backup job, if so is it partial. Since this is an upload job it remains as false.

    backupType string

    Possible values: [UPLOADED, AUTOMATED, MANUAL]

    What kind of backup is this being treated as.

    hydrationStatus string

    Possible values: [HYDRATED, NOT_HYDRATED]

    have the objects contained in the upload file been hydrated.

  • ]
