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Scheduled Search

Use this API to implement scheduled search functionality. With scheduled search functionality in place, users can run saved search queries on their tenants on a schedule, and Identity Security Cloud emails them the search results. Users can also share these search results with other users by email by adding those users as subscribers, or those users can subscribe themselves.

One of the greatest benefits of saving searches is the ability to run those searches on a schedule. This is essential for organizations to constantly detect any changes to user information or access throughout their tenants and across all their sources. For example, the manager Amanda Ross can schedule a saved search " AND attributes.location:austin" on a schedule to regularly stay aware of changes with the Austin employees reporting to her. Identity Security Cloud emails her the search results when the search runs, so she can work on other tasks instead of actively running this search.

In Identity Security Cloud, scheduling a search involves a subscription. Users can create a subscription for a saved search and schedule it to run daily, weekly, or monthly (you can only use one schedule option at a time). The user can add other identities as subscribers so when the scheduled search runs, the subscribers and the user all receive emails.

By default, subscriptions exclude detailed results from the emails, for security purposes. Including detailed results about user access in an email may expose sensitive information. However, the subscription creator can choose to include the information in the emails.

By default, Identity Security Cloud sends emails to the subscribers even when the searches do not return new results. However, the subscription creator can choose to suppress these empty emails.

Users can also subscribe to saved searches that already have existing subscriptions so they receive emails when the searches run. A saved search can have up to 10 subscriptions configured at a time.

The subscription creator can enable, disable, or delete the subscription.

Refer to Subscribing to Saved Searches for more information about scheduling searches and subscribing to them.