Workflow Internal Timeouts

Over the weekend, I setup a few workflows in PRD to do simple things such as just send me an e-mail whenever a new user is created. I am trying to see the viability of using for future business processes.

So far, I got it working but have noticed some runs will just “timeout” when calling the “Get Identity” process. It doesn’t retry it but seems it calling a V3 Sailpoint API.

ActivityTaskScheduled =
{“displayName”:“Get Identity”,“input”:{“id”:“2c9180868222ccbb018234e7688e7be7”,“method”:“GET”,“path”:“v3/identities/2c9180868222ccbb018234e7688e7be7”,“service”:“mice”},“stepName”:“getIdentity”,“task”:“sp:get-identity”}

ActivityTaskStarted =
{“displayName”:“Get Identity”,“stepName”:“getIdentity”,“task”:“sp:get-identity”}

ActivityTaskTimedOut =
{“displayName”:“Get Identity”,“error”:“activity timeout”,“stepName”:“getIdentity”,“task”:“sp:get-identity”}

WorkflowExecutionFailed =
{“error”:“actionStep(Get Identity) Error: task failed: activity error (type: sp:internal:http, scheduledEventID: 11, startedEventID: 12, identity: ): activity timeout (type: ScheduleToClose)”}

What would cause this? If the timeout is an internal API (not like a 3rd party webhook), should IDN be doing some type of retry or way for the task to try again?

As you are in limited release, how should we report these issues so that engineering can be taking a look and improving for the general community?

This same worklow has completed successfully also multiple times with no timeout.

Thanks, Prince

The counts are also not accurate - clearly has 3 successful runs and 1 failure but reporting 4 success and 0% errors.

Hi Prince,

Issues of this nature should be logged in a support ticket. Support will be able to determine if this is a bug and forward to the appropriate team to fix it.

As for the issue with the successful run count, this is a known issue.

Great for both nuggets, I went ahead and logged a ticket.

Thank you also for your timely responses and general care in the community. I am often able to learn from other discussions or other feedback you have passed on. Hope this community continues to grow and thrive.

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