Workflow - Form

I have created a workflow which will trigger based on the certain event . This workflow has a custom form which needed some action from the Governance group before processing the data .

  1. Can a form be assigned to governance group / just to the individual identity?
  2. How member will know if the form is pending for the action ( apart from the email which contain the form link ) . will actor will be able to see the pending form on the sailpoint UI ?
  3. Audit around the form , who took the action / modified form ?
  4. API to fetch all the pending forms waiting for action and who it’s waiting for ?

Already see a open idea for 1st one .

  1. Simple, no. Indeed, there is already the idea you mentioned
  2. They will get a notification which you can configur in the Workflow Form action
  3. Look at the workflow results and download that, it will tell you exactly who did and what they changed
  4. Again, look at the Workflow API and see the ‘running’ workflows. Then you can fetch where they are and to whom the Form action is assigned.

For point 2 : is there any way if they can see on UI that one action is pending , apart from recieving notification .

Hi @vishal_kejriwal1, i see there is a widget of Forms tab in the home page of IDN.
P.S i have not used this myself but the widget looks like if that can give the view of forms, you can check that out for UI displaying options. Also in documentation it does not mention that forms pending will be shown here but what’s the harm in trying…

Thank you @neeraj99 . I already tried , I do see that only actor can take the action no one else but this form is not showing anywhere in the Actor UI .

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2nd one also doesn’t exists . seems like product team is working on this .

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