Does the client have some policies of not adding personal email, we need to send the invite to the employee’s manager, is it possible to create a workflow that sends the first access invite to the manager?
If so, do you have a workflow pattern to use in this case? Can anyone help with this workflow?
If you want to sent the invite to the manager, you can specify the manager’s email address as the alternate email in the source account. You can then configure first access invites to be sent to both the primary and alternate email so the manager receives the invitation as well.
Once the user is registered and setup, you’ll want to make sure you remove the manager’s email address as the alternate email, since that can be used for password reset. This will need to be done manually by the user in the user preferences page (https://{tenant}, or it can be done via a private CC API. A word of caution, CC APIs aren’t meant for public use and may change at any time without notice. Exercise caution when using these APIs.
POST https://{tenant}
Set the email to empty to remove the alternate email.
"phone": "+1 555-555-5555",
"email": ""
You could put this in a workflow (at your own risk). Have the workflow activate on an identity attribute changed event and look for the lifecycle state attribute change to active. You could then use the get identity action to check if the identity’s manager email address is the alternate email, and then use the CC API above to remove the alternate email.