Wondering if anyone has gone through something similar. We have a handful of users that don’t get email addresses on the manufacturing floor, but we’d still like to take advantage of using the password reset module using secret questions/answers and work phone. Does anyone have a method on how to get these invites in the hands of users without a valid email? I was potentially thinking setting the alternate email as the manager/supervisor and sending it there, but I think the cleanup on that would be potentially messy.
If you are using Exchange/O365 for email, you might send the email to manager as follows:
Employee: Sam Smith (no email)
Manager: Ann Jones ([email protected])
For Sam, use the email address of [email protected] as his work email. Then you can do the invite to the work email. The manager will get the email and be able to assist Sam in registerin.
Microsoft allows for the +tag addressing as a way to be able to set particular email to be filtered but other than being valid email characters, it doesn’t check past the + when determining how to deliver the email.
I just tested this out, and unfortunately since we’re in a hybrid environment with centralized mail flow enabled, everything routes back On Prem and it’s found to not be a valid email address. I would have loved for this to work though!
I would think of another approach here. You can have a first valid transform on work email attribute and have the logic like this.
If work email is present consider it.
If work email is not present consider alternative email. This alternative email you may have to pass from SOT
If work email and alternative email is not present then set it to [email protected]
Then either you can use invite user option or you can create a workflow for this and trigger an email to user alternative email with reset URL. In the workflow you can check for status and some other attribute to not trigger the email again when email switches from alternative to work email.
In your question you have mentioned to use work phone. I hope the user has the work phone. Because user cannot use the security question unless they have set it. This leaves the user with workphone.