Why are we limited to 6 searchable Identity Attributes

I am trying to add a searchable attribute in postman and I am getting a error.
not found in the identity config
is it a typo or its missing from the identity profile
I am missing a step
My other scripts get 200
why are we limited to 6 ?

Can you share a screenshot of the endpoint you are trying to hit? Assuming it is this:

6 custom attributes appears to be correct based on SailPoint’s documentation.

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Cloud you try with put-identity-attribute | SailPoint Developer Community with this call ?

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Getting a 405 error now ?

I tried moving one of the commands to another folder so I would have less then 6. If I delete a searchable attribute in postman that we are using in correlation will it remove it from the tenant/environment?

Are you use the http method “PUT” ?

You can tag attribute non searchable, your correlation will not work but attribute still exist. But if you delete it, it will be remove from your tenant/environment.

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Yes I tried PUT let me change to non searchable and see what happens.

I am getting a 400 still

You need to add the attribute to the url in place of “:name”.


In your postman you can replace it like this :

Edward I did this see below still getting the 400?

Ousmane, It is not allowing me to edit the Path Variables ? It has the attribute in the wrg spot trying to type name and tab over to drop the attribute

I can’t edit this field to Name ?

Hi Tom, I hope the attribute that you are trying to make searchable is an identity attribute (and not an account attribute from any source)?

From your screenshot, it looks like you are trying to make an AD account attribute as searchable which is not possible since it’s not promoted to an identity attribute at first place. I might be wrong in my assumption here!

Also the limit of 6 searchable identity attribute is IDN design decision to keep their platform on high performance, but I am not sure if this limit can be increased by working with SailPoint Support.
May be this is something which you can bring up with your CSM!

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Gaurav, The attribute is in AD and we are trying to correlate this by adding it to the Identity Attribute. We created a separate Source for AD Admin accounts and this is the only matching attribute we could find so I added it to the Schema and then tried to add in in postman to the Identity Attribute. So that is the missing step. I need to add this attribute to the Identity Profile first.

Yes, that is correct. Once it’s added to Identity Profile, then you can run the same API call and it will work.

All the best!

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