Searchable attributes


I have tried to make one of the custom attribute which is mapped to a transform to searchable so that i can use that attribute in correlation. While i have tried from postman i am receiving the below error.

“msg_template”: “IllegalStateException: Not enough extended attributes remaining, unable to set attribute to searchable”,
“slpt_error_code”: “SLPT-1009”,
“formatted_msg”: “IllegalStateException: Not enough extended attributes remaining, unable to set attribute to searchable”,
“exception_id”: “1876F06371E”,
“error_code”: 1009,
“exception_class”: “”,
“exception_detail”: {
“file”: “”,
“method”: “defaultFailureHandler”,
“line_number”: 240,
“class”: “”
“http_response_code”: 500,
“timestamp”: “2023-04-11 06:34:51.038”,
“exception_message”: “status code: 500, reason phrase: Internal Server Error”

Is there any limitation with the extended attribute? How many extended attributes can be made searchable in identity now. How to solve this error.

Up to six attributes may be made searchable for use in correlations.

Reference -

To solve this error, make sure you are not marking any unused attributes as “searchable”.

Hope this helps!


I have tried but facing same error is there any way that more than 6 attributes can be searchable

I guess not.

Please open a Sailpoint support ticket to confirm and get further assistance.