I have tried to make one of the custom attribute which is mapped to a transform to searchable so that i can use that attribute in correlation. While i have tried from postman i am receiving the below error.
“msg_template”: “IllegalStateException: Not enough extended attributes remaining, unable to set attribute to searchable”,
“slpt_error_code”: “SLPT-1009”,
“formatted_msg”: “IllegalStateException: Not enough extended attributes remaining, unable to set attribute to searchable”,
“exception_id”: “1876F06371E”,
“error_code”: 1009,
“exception_class”: “groovyx.net.http.HttpResponseException”,
“exception_detail”: {
“file”: “RESTClient.java”,
“method”: “defaultFailureHandler”,
“line_number”: 240,
“class”: “groovyx.net.http.RESTClient”
“http_response_code”: 500,
“timestamp”: “2023-04-11 06:34:51.038”,
“exception_message”: “status code: 500, reason phrase: Internal Server Error”
Is there any limitation with the extended attribute? How many extended attributes can be made searchable in identity now. How to solve this error.