What is the correct way of debugging connector rules

@nitin_m_jain ,

In your connector code, make sure to import the logger libraries. Also, as mentioned previously, log level info and higher is printed by default. If you want lower log levels, like debug and trace to show in your ccg.log file, you will need to modify your log4j2.properties file as mentioned previously. Please see below for sample connector code with logging statements.

import org.apache.logging.log4j.Logger;
import org.apache.logging.log4j.Level;
import org.apache.logging.log4j.core.config.Configurator;

import connector.common.Util;

log.info("Entering GuruBeforeOperationRule");

log.info("Listing Variables passed to Beanshell namespace:");

// BeanShell has a "this.variables" array that we can access.
for (int i = 0 ; i < this.variables.length ; i++) {
   String varName = this.variables[i];
   Object varValue = null;
   try {
      if ("transient".equals(varName))
         varValue = "[reserved word]";
         varValue = eval(varName);
   } catch (Exception ex) {
      varValue = "[eval exception]";

   String varClass = "void";
   if ((void != varValue) && (null != varValue))
      varClass = varValue.getClass().getSimpleName();

   if (void == varValue)
       log.info(varName + " = void");
   else if (null == varValue)
       log.info(varName + " = null");
       log.info(varName + ": " + varClass + " = " + varValue);

Map tMap = (Map) application.getAttributeValue("transientValues");
if(null != tMap) {
  String nextLink = tMap.get("nextLink");
  log.info("nextLink : " + nextLink);
  if(!Util.isEmpty(nextLink)) {
    log.info("Full url is now: " + requestEndPoint.getFullUrl());
log.info("Leaving GuruBeforeOperationRule: " + requestEndPoint);
return requestEndPoint;