WebServiceAfterOperationRule in validations

Oh, this is interesting.

Can you add a couple more logs for me and try running it to see if there are any logs.

  1. Add a log statement on the first line of the Rule, which should execute irrespective of any logic that you have written below.
log.info("Info - Rule has been executed and logging works");
log.error("Error - Rule has been executed and logging works");
  1. Add a log printing invalidStatus variable just before the if condition,
log.info("Info - Value of invalidStatus before condition check"+ invalidStatus);
log.error("Error - Value of invalidStatus before condition check"+ invalidStatus);
	employeeEntry.put("employeeStatus", "Invalid");

If you don’t see the first log in ccg.log or error.log, I recommend you check the connector debugging configurations for more details you can check the following,

  1. The correct way to debug connector rules - Setup log4j configurations
  2. Logging Configurations are correct.
  3. Make sure debugging is enabled in the VA.