How to log to web services connector?

Hi! I uploaded a ws after operations rule, it really do nothing yet, only returns the processedResponseObject object. I log it using“”) but when run I do not see nothing on log. I tried adding the = sailpoint.connector.webservices to log4j and restsarting ccg with no success.
I enabled connector debug. I can confirm that rule is attached to connector, because if I return null, I get some error on aggregation, and error text mentions rule’s name.

Hi Julian,

You seem to be doing the correct steps not sure why you were not able to see logs.

Can you try again by Enabling Connector Logging in IDN using API

Hi Sharvari thanks for response. I followed suggested link. I got null when getting source logging info. I updated it with

“durationMinutes”: 240,
“rootLevel”: “INFO”,
“clientId”: null,
//“expiration”: “2030-12-15T19:13:36.079Z”,
“logLevels”: {
“sailpoint.connector.WebServices”: “INFO”

but received no logging from rule. Rule actually is as simply as:"XDXDXDXD");
    return processedResponseObject;

If you are confident that the rule is executing, I would suggest you go ahead with the actual changes in the source code you’re planning to make and add more log statements. This will help you locate the logs quickly. Test your rule, most of the times it works. But, incase it doesn’t work as expected and you want to troubleshoot, enable logging at DEBUG level, wait for 5 to 10 mins and then test rule.

If you still face issues with logs not appearing you can open a ticket with Sailpoint support and they will be able to assist you.

Hi Julian,

Have you reviewed this topic? What is the correct way of debugging connector rules

Also, have you read this doc? CCG Enable Debug Log by Connector - Compass

Hi Colin, I just saw suggested links. Unfortunately I already tried with CCG Enable Debug Log by Connector - Compass. with no luck. Revising What is the correct way of debugging connector rules I saw also that tried all suggestions. I have to move logic to a cloud rule, because of project times, but I will return to try the ws rule as soon as I can.

Thanks for the answer Sharvari, I tried all suggestion with no luck. I raised a support ticket, but unfortunately they offer some hours from ES support. As project is at developing stage, they stated that have no support until it goes into production.

Oh, Sorry to know it didn’t work for you.

If you get a chance, maybe try the new Web Services SaaS connector. It has an Enable Debug Logging option, but you have to co-ordinate with Sailpoint to got those log files.

Co-ordinating with Sailpoint to get logs shouldn’t be the way as it slows down the whole process. Is there any plan for having those logs available on UI for quick troubleshooting?

Hi @pagarwal4,

I believe the SailPoint CLI allows the management of logs for SaaS Connectors.

Hope this helps!

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Thank you @ksbagade for this input. This does help.

Thanks @ksbagade I will give a try on cli

Hi @jsosa,

Hope you were able to get the logs running!

(Please feel free to mark a response as the solution to close the topic)

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