What is the best way to delete permitted roles/bundle in IIQ 8.3p3?

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Version 8.3

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What is the best way to delete permitted IT roles/bundles in IIQ 8.3p3 that are still assigned to users? Do we need to do bulk removal of the permitted roles/bundles from the users before we delete the permitted roles/bundles or will propagate role change take care of removing from the users.

We will also need to delete a business role and its permitted IT roles that also has users assigned.

Hi @mer21,
You can remove the mapping of it roles from the business roles which will call propogate role changes task and it will remove the all the members. Once all the members are removed.
You can plan to delete the bundles from iiq console which will remove all the links.

Definitely, the best approach is to remove the user membership from the roles and then proceed with the roles disable/deletion operation.

  1. As first you should remove the Role as “Permits” from the Mother Roles.
  2. If the Roles are also assigned/detected still to persons (“not Permitted”) use Bulk Processing via UI (RemoveRole Operation). See here for examples: Remove Role
  3. If no Identity has the Role assigned or detected you should disable the Role. My propsal is to keep the old “dead” roles in the system. Reason is, that IdentitySnapshots, Certification, IdentityRequests have all the audit trail to this Entitlement Constellation depending the Identity. If your Company does not need historical Entitlement Information, you can delete the Role.

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