WebService Direct Connector: Removing the parent Endpoint removes from the UI perspective, but not from the child endpoint in the source

What problem are you observing?

You have 3 End Points configured for Aggregation (WS1 → WS2 → WS3) and they are set with the parent being the one previous. If you remove the first one (WS1), the UI will show the Endpoint is removed. If you check the child one (WS2) in the UI, you will see that the Parent Endpoint is removed.

Now, if you attempt to Aggregate, you will get an error stating that WS1 can not be found. If you look at the source through the API, you can see that WS2 still has the name of WS1 in the parent attribute.

What is the correct behavior?

THe parent should either show in the UI and the user would need to remove it themselves


The system should remove the parent relationship completely from the Child WS

What product feature is this related to?

ISC Web Service Direct Connector

What are the steps to reproduce the issue?

Add 3 endpoints in a parent child relationship like above.
remove the first endpoint in the chain
attempt to aggregate
check the API for the source and see it still listed.

Do you have any other information about your environment that may help?