Webservice connector is failing with "No authentication" option, IIQ 8.2

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Version 8.2

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I am trying to connect through webservice connector, for testing purpose we disable the authentication, without authentication result comes in postman but in IIQ it gives below error. Any comment.

Exception occurred in Test Connection.Url: https://xxxx.com/interop-affiliate-prc-api/v1/api/affiliates/contacts, Message: { “CorrelationId”: “29804f20-f14b-11ee-8a05-0affdf91be8d”, “ProcessName”: “abc-api”, “IntegrationType”: “API”, “SourceSystem”: “ODS”, “TargetSystem”: “End Consumer”, “HttpMethod”: “”, “Endpoint”: “”, “JsonPayload”: “{\n "error": [\n {\n "status": 500,\n "message": "\"org.mule.weave.v2.module.reader.ReaderParsingException: Unable to parse empty input, while reading payload as Json.\n \n1| \n ^\n\" evaluating expression: \"%dw 2.0\noutput application/java\n—\n{\n\t\"sourceSystem\": p(‘logging.contacts.sourceSystem’),\n\t\"targetSystem\": p(‘logging.contacts.targetSystem’),\n\t\"loggingFlag\": vars.logPreferences.log, //p(‘logging.entities.loggingFlag’),\n\t\"payloadLogFlag\": vars.logPreferences.logPayload, //p(‘logging.entities.payloadLogFlag’),\n\t\"transactionName\": p(‘logging.contacts.contactTransactionName’),\n\t\"method\": attributes.method,\n\t\"requestUri\": attributes.requestUri,\n\t\"data\":{\n\t\t\"headers\": attributes.headers default null,\n\t\t\"payload\": payload default null\n\t}\n}\".",\n "reason": "MULE:EXPRESSION",\n "cause": [\n {\n "origin": null,\n "message": "\"org.mule.weave.v2.module.reader.ReaderParsingException: Unable to parse empty input, while reading payload as Json.\n \n1| \n ^\n\" evaluating expression: \"%dw 2.0\noutput application/java\n—\n{\n\t\"sourceSystem\": p(‘logging.contacts.sourceSystem’),\n\t\"targetSystem\": p(‘logging.contacts.targetSystem’),\n\t\"loggingFlag\": vars.logPreferences.log, //p(‘logging.entities.loggingFlag’),\n\t\"payloadLogFlag\": vars.logPreferences.logPayload, //p(‘logging.entities.payloadLogFlag’),\n\t\"transactionName\": p(‘logging.contacts.contactTransactionName’),\n\t\"method\": attributes.method,\n\t\"requestUri\": attributes.requestUri,\n\t\"data\":{\n\t\t\"headers\": attributes.headers default null,\n\t\t\"payload\": payload default null\n\t}\n}\"."\n }\n ]\n }\n ]\n}”, “NumberOfRetries”: 0, “ReprocessingFlag”: 0, “Description”: “error log”, “EmailFlag”: 1, “EmailRecipients”: “[email protected]”, “Status”: “Failure”, “StatusCode”: 500, “InsertDate”: “2024-04-02T23:46:03.749Z”, “InsertedBy”: “Mule API” }, HTTP Error Code: 500

Hi @rkunwar,

Welcome to the Developer Community ! :slight_smile:

The webservice got a HTTP 500 error back from the application. So the application returns the error and hopefully you can find the reason why in the logging of the application.

Can you validate you set the correct headers in the Test Connection Operation?
Postman sets a few headers by default, you can add the same headers using the Web Services Connector.

– Remold

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Hi Remold,
Thanks for response, I tried multiple option. Pls see my configuration pics

Hi @rkunwar,

I think you made a typo in the header. Are you sure it must be jason?
I would assume it would be the ‘normal’ application/json (without the a).

– Remold

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Sorry yes corrected that but same error no change.

Any comment Remold or any one who experienced this issue.

Hi Ranjan, as mentioned by Remold “Postman sets a few headers by default, you can add the same headers using the Web Services Connector.”

Try to replicate what postman sending exactly…

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