I have requirement to call more than one API calls before generate Aggregation map. Is there any way we can achieve thought OOTB Webservice connector?.
API Method -1
API method -2
collect response for Aggregation results.
We have similar requirement for provision operation as well.
To achieve the results that you are looking for, you need to do a two-phase API call for aggregation. The OOB Web Services connector is a one-call-per-operation thing. However, you can use an ‘after’ rule to issue the second call and do whatever merging you need to do to create the result you are looking for.
In this case, what you will want to use is a ‘WebServices afterOperation Rule’. You can read more about it in this documentation & guide:
Hey @sukurams - I am delighted to hear that this worked for you; congrats! To answer your second question, Yes. The Web Services connector allows you to define more than one endpoint for any operation. The connector will combine the response before sending it back to IIQ.
I am wondering if an after rule can be used to connect a Get All Users call and Get All Groups and Get Group Member by Group ID to map the user to their group as this is not in any of the one calls. Looking to merge the data in the rule to map this.
I do not possess the answer you are looking for, but this is quite an old thread. I’d recommend staying your question in a new thread for the developer community to help answer.