Hi I’m trying to onboard an application using webservice connector. In order to pull all the users I have to do 3 operation in the first operation it will give me the more than 40k keys which is an integers. I want to pass these 40k in to next operation in batches? I need help on how i can pass these keys to next operation?
depends how you want to do. You can use parent aggregation or use after rule and use the result to invoke the others operation.
In all cases you can save those key in custom and read it in the next ops.
Can you please guide me on how I can save the keys and use it in other operation
Can you elaborate more on the type of operation you are trying to configure (aggregation or provisioning). you could utilise the transientValues in the web service connector to call the endpoint multiple times based on each call.
Map transientValues = (Map) application.getAttributeValue("transientValues");
if (null == transientValues) {
transientValues = new HashMap();
application.getAttributes().put("transientValues", transientValues);
May be if you could share more details, it would become clear about how to handle this in the best possible way
If you pass these snd data snd multiple api call to get the data you will land up with lot of performance issue .
I would rather suggest ask team to combine these APIs and get single api . And use this single spi for Sailpoint integration .
But if you still want to go with multiple Apis check if you can use before and after operation rule .
Hi Abhishek, thanks for the response. so I’m trying to do an aggregation of keys which looks like(1234,46366,84784,9274) and the response will produce more than 40k keys.I want to store them in a variable using after rule so that I can use it in the next operation as an input to the soap body
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