Web Services - UI vs Saving through API

I have a Web Services application where there is a period in the JSON Path, so I’ve been following the guidance on the Troubleshooting documentation page. I’m able to make these updates through the API, however whenever I save through the UI (even something else) it makes some strange overrides. I wanted to ask if this is the intended functionality?

If I originally have this as my response mapping:

"resMappingObj": {
                    "field1": "field1",
                    "example_field2": "[\"example.field2\"]",
                    "example_field3": "[\"example.field3\"]"

If I then make a change through the UI and save it, it reverts to this:

"resMappingObj": {
                    "field1": "field1",
                    "example_field2": [
                    "example_field3": [

It looks like standard encoding to me, so I don’t think it’s a problem. Can you check and ensure that the response you got back is correct though? When I tried it on my end, I got something slightly different:

 "resMappingObj": {
    "example_field2": "[\\"example.field2\\"]",

The thing that looked strange to me on your response was the presence of the comma after the &quot, but I was unable to get that behavior.

That’s what is strange to me as well. Once you made the update through the API, did you then make a change to the operation via the UI and check the configuration again?

The UI display for the attribute path ends up displaying this after reproducing it:


I do have a ticket open as well.

Ah yes I am able to reproduce this behavior. It appears the UI just cannot handle those paths with quotes in them. Even setting the value through the UI doesn’t save correctly and you have to do it through the API to get the right format.

I setup a json object with periods in the id and tried saving through the UI and to my surprise, the account aggregation did not break, so despite it changing the format quite drastically, it did not seem to cause a problem. That being said, I will send this along to our engineering team for review and I would still recommend making changes through the API when you have these types of mapping.

Are you experience the same results as what I encountered?

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The account aggregation for these attributes does break in our environment during this replication.