Web services connector account aggregation and get groups with separate endpoints

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IIQ 8.4

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List User Accounts - endpoint: /listallusers

			"email":"[email protected]",

List Group Member Of - endpoint: /listuser/email dynamically read from List User Accounts

	"groups": [
			"id": "string",
			"name": "string"

Share all details about your problem, including any error messages you may have received.

Hi all, I am trying to implement a web service connector application.

  1. List all user accounts
  2. Get groups that belong to each user account using the response email address from Step 1 [I am stuck here]

Would like to check for step 2 should I call a get object? How do I combine the get object with account aggregation?

Note: Both components have different api endpoint. My end goal is for each user account to contain their respective groups during account aggregation which will look something like below.

			"email":"[email protected]",
			"groups": [
					"id": "string",
					"name": "string"

@shijingg ,

you will find information here -

You need to implement something similar to below -

Fetch User details -

Fetch Group details -

Mark it as solved, If it helps.

Hi @officialamitguptaa

For the fetch group details will /api/now/$response.sys_id$ work?

because in my case, it is not a param but part of the context url path

@shijingg - In my case it was sys_id. You need to change the context URL as per your need. That was just an example. Refer the document attached.

I tried changing but getting Error Code 400. The account aggregation 1 is indeed returning a list of users with their respective details.


Hej Shi,

did you set in the second request the parent endpoint?

It would like something like this


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