Validations on NERM dates

Is there any way to add a “validation” to a date in NERM, where it cannot be greater than another date (another attribute of the same form)?
I mean, currently I only see the option of validations greater than, less than or equal to X days from TODAY or BEFORE TODAY, but, is it possible to add an option for it to be from ANOTHER DATE?

Start date: 03/26/2024
End date: No more than 100 days after the “START DATE”.

Is it possible to do this?

As a validation on the attribute itself - No, that is not possible. Generally, I set up that kind of check with conditions in Workflows.

  1. Request Form to capture the Start and End dates
  2. Condition to check if the request’s End Date is more than 100 days after the request’s Start Date
    • When true, show another Request Form with a message to the user to correct the End Date
    • OR, use a Set Attribute Values action to set the End Date to 100 days after attribute Start Date - that way you can just set a default value if they tried to set it too far ahead.
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AFAIK, that’s not possible to do.

yes, it seems that nerm is limited in this.

Hi, @ZackTarantino-Woolson

Thanks for the answer, it looks like this might work for me.

Hi, @ZackTarantino-Woolson

Should the condition look like this?
I am testing and even after exceeding the 10 days after what I enter in “Fecha de alta” the second form is not shown and automatically completes the workflow with the captured End Date.

“Fecha de alta” is “Start Date”
“Fecha de baja” is “End Date”



Both dates are captured on the first form:

HI @GilbertoOledo14 , The Condition in your image is using the Profile attribute value when you should be using the Request attribute value.

When selecting an Attribute from the search box, there are two “sections” : One for Profile values and one for Request Values. In this scenario, the value you are checking is from the Request.

With that change, this looks like it should work.

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Hi, @ZackTarantino-Woolson
Thank you for your support.
The solution worked for me.

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Hi, @ZackTarantino-Woolson

That was definitely the solution.
Thanks for the support.

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