NELM end-date reminder email

Is it possible to change the NELM end date reminder emails to be sent out at a different time interval? The default is 7 days but we would prefer a longer lead time of 30 days. I don’t see where this is possible.

I don’t believe the time interval can be modified in the email template. If you have access to Workflows, you could create a workflow that runs a search query for all NELM identities that have an end date in 30 days and send an email.

As an update, we did end up creating a workflow as this is not configurable.

	"name": "Test- Contractors end date is 30 days away",
	"description": "Workflow to send an email notification to the application or source owner indicating that a contractor's end date is 30 days away",
	"modified": "2023-04-14T02:41:22.269067462Z",
	"modifiedBy": {
		"type": "IDENTITY",
		"id": "12345678901234567890",
		"name": "me"
	"definition": {
		"start": "Compare Strings",
		"steps": {
			"Compare Strings": {
				"choiceList": [
						"comparator": "StringEquals",
						"nextStep": "Get Identity",
						"variableA.$": "$.trigger.changes[?(@.attribute==\"contractEndsInLessThan30Days\")].newValue",
						"variableB": "TRUE"
				"defaultStep": "success 1",
				"description": "Verifies if the \"Contract Ends In Less Than 30 Days\" is TRUE",
				"type": "choice"
			"Get Identity": {
				"actionId": "sp:get-identity",
				"attributes": {
					"id.$": "$"
				"description": "Retrieves available details about the Identity",
				"nextStep": "Get Identity 1",
				"type": "action",
				"versionNumber": 2
			"Get Identity 1": {
				"actionId": "sp:get-identity",
				"attributes": {
					"id.$": "$"
				"description": "This step is used to gather information about the user's manager to populate their details",
				"nextStep": "Send Email",
				"type": "action",
				"versionNumber": 2
			"Send Email": {
				"actionId": "sp:send-email",
				"attributes": {
					"body": "HR Team - <br>\n<p>\nThis is to notify you that employee <b style=\"\">${displayName}</b> end date is approaching according to Workday.<br>\n<ul>\n<li>Employee Name: ${displayName}</li>\n<li>Email: ${email}</li>\n<li>Manager:${manager}</li>\n<li>Department:${department}</li>\n<li>Job Title: ${jobTitle}</li>\n<li>Termination Date: ${endDate}</li>\n</ul>\n</p>\nPlease perform any  updates should their contract need to be extended.<br>\n<br>\nThank you,<br>\nOur Team",
					"context": {
						"department.$": "$.getIdentity.attributes.department",
						"displayName.$": "$.getIdentity.attributes.displayName",
						"email.$": "$",
						"endDate.$": "$.getIdentity.attributes.endDate",
						"jobTitle.$": "$.getIdentity.attributes.jobTitle",
						"manager.$": "$.getIdentity1.attributes.displayName"
					"recipientEmailList": [
						"[email protected]"
					"replyTo": "[email protected]",
					"subject": "Approaching Contractor EndDate"
				"description": "Notifies the HR that the contract users EndDate is approaching",
				"nextStep": "success",
				"type": "action",
				"versionNumber": 2
			"success": {
				"description": "Finishes the workflow in a Success state",
				"type": "success"
			"success 1": {
				"description": "Finishes the workflow in a failure state.",
				"type": "success"
	"creator": {
		"type": "IDENTITY",
		"id": "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx",
		"name": "me"
	"trigger": {
		"type": "EVENT",
		"attributes": {
			"attributeToFilter": "contractEndsInLessThan30Days",
			"description": "Get the Identity when the \"Contract Ends In Less Than 30 Days\" is changed from FALSE to TRUE and Notify the HR",
			"filter.$": "$.changes[?(@.attribute == \"contractEndsInLessThan30Days\")]",
			"id": "idn:identity-attributes-changed"
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Thank you for the update Rebecca. Do you mind sharing the details of your workflow, such as the script or queries you used? This will help future readers with identifying a solution to a similar problem they might have. If you do decide to share, please edit the workflow script to remove any sensitive information.

I threw edited version of our json out there – please let me know if that is helpful or if I should remove and post a different solution
