I would like to know if there is a way to change the status of a profile in NERM based on an end date.
That is to say, the end date is captured in a form and when this date is reached, the profile status is updated.
I would like to know if there is a way to change the status of a profile in NERM based on an end date.
That is to say, the end date is captured in a form and when this date is reached, the profile status is updated.
That is possible through an Automated workflow. The set up would be something like:
You can also add other filters like Profile Status or Profile Type (IE: Only have the workflow run on Active Profiles for the "Assignment’ Type, etc). When the workflow runs, it will execute on every Profile that matches the set criteria.
Then, in the Workflow’s Actions, you can use a Status Change action to change the status to Inactive / Terminated.
Automated workflows trigger at 7am UTC for our US and Canada Clusters and 11pm UTC for all other clusters (EU, AP, etc)
Thank you for all your help.
One additional question, can these automated workflows run more frequently, e.g. every 10 minutes or only at scheduled times?
And taking advantage of the forum, is it currently possible to delete some attribute or other object (e.g. a page or a form)?
I see that the interface only allows to archive them, and even in the API I don’t see any option available.
The Automated Workflows run once a day at the globally set time (from my last post) for the cluster the tenant lives in - we are unable to change that per tenant at this time.
You are correct - we are unable to delete Template objects like attributes, forms, pages, etc. At this time, only archiving is possible.
Hi, @ZackTarantino-Woolson
Thank you for your help.
Is it possible to validate, before the workflow is run, which profiles will be modified so as not to wait 24 hours between tests?
I am trying to have all profiles disabled that end dates that are before today. I am configuring as follows, this should work?
End Date → more than → 0 → days before today
Additionally, I take this opportunity to comment another doubt (and thank you in advance for the answer)
Can a profile be created disabled? I mean, I want that all the profiles in which the start date is less than today (a future activation) are created inactive and until that date arrives then they will be activated (change their status).
Thanks in advance.
I believe this is something you can achieve by utilizing the advanced search functionality. You can create a search query with the same filters as those in the automated workflow, and then observe the profiles it returns
As Sunny suggested, you can utilize an Advanced Search with the same scope / filters as your Automated Workflow to look through which profiles may be affected by the workflow.
Two other options:
Just on the regular Profiles tables in the Dashboard / Admin pages, you can add filters to the table in order to see the affected Profiles
You could create a Batch workflow that has the same filters. Then, you can run that workflow from the Dashboard to view the Profiles it finds. Additionally, you could configure the Batch workflow with the same Actions in order to test the Actions against Profiles the same as how the Automated workflow would.
I am trying to have all profiles disabled that end dates that are before today. I am configuring as follows, this should work?
End Date → more than → 0 → days before today
End Date → more than → 0 → days before today will capture profiles that are yesterday and before - Not today . If you want to capture profiles that have an End date of today and everything before it - then you should use End Date → more than → -1 → days before today
Can a profile be created disabled?
Yes and no… The “Create” action in NERM workflows always creates a Profile as Active - that is “hardcoded”. However, in workflows, we often do want the Profile to be “Inactive” until a set condition is hit (Like your start date example). For that, we need to utilize Run Workflow actions and an Update workflow.
Update Workflows have an action available called Status Change - which allows you to set the status of a Profile. So, You could build out two simple workflows here for future use:
In those workflows, the only 2 actions you need are a Status Change to set the desired Status and an Update action.
Then, in your Onboarding or other workflows, you can set up conditions to check for the start date value and use a Run Workflow Action to call the right “status” workflow above. In order to flip a profile to Active after their start date, you could use an Automated Workflow to filter for the start date value and change the status when it comes up.
Thank you for taking the time to respond.
We greatly appreciate the support for relatively new products.
Best regards.
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