User preferences work phone showing incorrect value

Hi, I have one issue with user profile. If I login to IDN and go for user preferences (from top right drop down option) - general settings, it displays me these information’s:

Here interesting thing is Alternate Phone is showing right value, but work phone is taking value from somewhere which we are not sure. I am looking for two possible solutions:

1 - don’t allow work phone number from user preferences general setting
2 - or show the right value

because of this many users are complaining that they are seeing wrong work phone value.

Could you please suggest your inputs on this issue.

Work phone is being driven by your identity profile. Check your mappings for the work phone number field and make sure that your data coming from that authoritative source and/or transform are correct.


@hranjan3 please don’t forget to mark solved if I answered your question :slight_smile:

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