Update plan for Active Directory Create Profile

I have uploaded an AttributeGenerator rule for sAMAccountName.
I need to update the plan to provision userPrincipalName(upn) value. This value should be as follows:
upn = sAMAccountName@domain
where “@domain” are available on the identity attribute

I know I can use ‘BeforeProvisioning’ rule to do this. But this would require expert service hours. And I have already uploaded the major rule to generate sAMAccountName

  1. I have tried Services Standard before provisioning rule, but I am not sure how to access a plan attribute there. Account would not be created so cannot use #{account.sAMAccountName}.

  2. BeforeCreate rule is used to run powershell scripts only. Cannot modify the plan here.

Is there any other way to manipulate the plan before the provisioning happens on Active Directory?

Hi Phashansa,

This AttributeGenerator rule returns which value? Just the sAMAccountName?

You could create a transform in the plan that concatenates the “domain” attribute of the identity.

Hi Matheus

not sure how to use a transform inside a plan?
Anyway I was able to resolve this put putting static values
upn = $samaccountName$mail

where mail is reading the identity attribute ‘mailDomain’

Hi Prashansa,


                "attributes": {
                    "values": [
                            "attributes": {
                                "input": {
                                    "attributes": {
                                        "name": "xpto"
                                    "type": "rule"
                            "type": "trim"
                            "attributes": {
                                "input": {
                                    "attributes": {
                                        "name": "emailDomain"
                                    "type": "identityAttribute"
                            "type": "trim"
                "type": "concat"

To place the transform within the plan, you need to do this via the API by modifying the Provisioning Policy.

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