Unveiling the art of SailPoint custom code debugging


When creating custom code for IIQ in Java it can be hard to debug when there are issues with the code. Expert community ambassador, Remold Krol, will explain different ways to debug, roadblock to be removed, and more for beginners to experienced developers. His demo will use the JDPA framework to debug, in real time, custom code deployed to IIQ using IntelliJ.


Can this be extended to also work with beanshell for example in rules? We have a few Rule Libraries where it would be very nice

Unfortunately, this is not possible. The JPDA is a protocol specifically for Java Runtime Environments (JRE). BeanShell does not run with the JRE, it is using the BSFManager.

However there are other ways to ‘debug’, test and validate BeanShell code.

Take a look at:

– Remold