Unable to Remove Correlation from source

Hi everyone,

I have two delimited type sources one of them is truth source.

Here I am trying to correlate the accounts from delimited source with truth source, using IDN UI correlation configuration. I have created a correlation mapping. But once added, I am unable to remove it using cross( X ) mark from UI.

Can someone let me know if this a bug from IDN side?

Thanks in advance.

Hi Aditya,

We can do via API.

Get the sourceconfig/export from v1 API call ({{api-url}}/cc/api/source/export/{id}) and do the POST export source config POST ({{api-url}}/cc/api/source/export/{id}).

Attached are the two reference screenshots for GET and POST call

Hi @indira_chandragiri,

Thanks you for the response, I was able to export the source config using the API call that you have mentioned ( {{api-url}}/cc/api/source/export/{id} ) and made changes required in the AccountCorrelation tags.

When I made an attempt to POST with URL that you have provided ({{api-url}}/cc/api/source/export/{id}). It is giving error 405 Method Not Allowed as shown in below screenshot.

API call :


can you please help me out with this?

Thank you

Hi Aditya,
Apologies for the inconvenience.
after exporting the source xml edit the changes and save it as xml and use the import API call.
Attached is the reference image

(POST {{api-url}}/cc/api/source/import/69775)

Hello @indira_chandragiri,

I have tried making the API call as you have mentioned but it is giving error, as specified in below screenshot.

I have also tried making POST call with the same exported xml file without making any changes. Yet it shows the same error as above.

Can you please help me with this?

Thank you.

Hi Aditya,

Seems to be v1 API is not working. Please try the beta/sources API.

First Run the GET API call: GET — {api-url}}/beta/sources/2c918088776963540177702e7a1c1513

And then run the PUT Update Full source API call, PUT: {{api-url}}/beta/sources/2c918084781cf77101782345acb210c7

by removing the below accountCorrelationConfig piece of code and add the “accountCorrelationConfig”: null

“accountCorrelationConfig”: {


    "id": "2c9180837cb94713017cc27606221adb",

    "name": "HR Administrators [source] Account Correlation"

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Hi Aditya,

You must keep one correlation map in place, you cannot remove all of them which is why the ‘X’ is greyed out. If you add another configuration, the ‘X’ should appear next to both of them so that you can delete whichever one no longer applies.

Hope this helps!



Hey @tyler_stevens

I have a similar issue where the correlation has been applied on truth source by mistake.
Having correlation on a truth source would not be ideal right? So, is there a way that we can remove it somehow?

Also, is there any impact if the correlation is configured on truth source by mistake?
Hello @indira_chandragiri , I would welcome your feedback as well.

