Transform to calculate if an identity is a manager

Hi All,

I’m trying to achieve a use-case where I’ve created a new identity attribute called “isManager” in the Identity Profile. I want to write a transform logic which would calculate if that identity is a manager or not? Later, I want to use this identity attribute as a membership criteria for a role, which only needs to be assigned to managers as birthright.

Is there any OOTB functionality or a “Cloud Services Deployment Utility” based transform that I can leverage for this?

I know that ISC can calculate if an identity is a manager from search using the query “isManager:true”. Is there a similar possibility to leverage this in transforms as well?


Maybe you can Achieve this using the following transform and Rule on ISC:


Got to test it see if works!

Hey @ipobeidi
I’m also trying to understand how this transform would work, when the identity attribute itself on which this transform would be applied is “isManager” ? And the reference is also pointing to the same.

Yeah it does not seem to work. My bad.
This is a lsot opportunity for Sailpoint, we could query whatever we want with the QueryOptions.

else {
    		QueryOptions qo = new QueryOptions();
	    	qo.addFilter(Filter.eq("uid", uid));
	    	Iterator it =, qo);
	    	if (it.hasNext()) {
	    		Identity user = (Identity);
	    		if(user != null) {
	    			return (String) user.getAttribute(attributeName);
	    	else {
		        return null;

Maybe create a IDN source to just query this info and pull from it?


“name”: “isManager”,
“type”: “static”,
“attributes”: {
“value”: “$identity.managerStatus”


^ What he said :joy:

Hey @Arshad,

You can use this to get the true/false value back in a transform:

    "name": "Identity is manager",
    "type": "static",
    "attributes": {
        "value": "$identity.getManagerStatus()"

I imagined that this was blocked on the Static, but i guess we can query identity then

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There is quite a bit you can do with the $identity context. I’ve written a doc on it here

Really anything in the sailpoint.object.Identity class is supported right now. You can look at the java docs here for those methods.


When I was looking for something I could use in Role criteria, I started from the search query “isManager:true ” and found the $identity variable. It took a while, wish your documents would’ve come up in my investigation.

Thank you @tyler_mairose @kwhipple @ipobeidi for your responses, this helps.