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Identity Attribute Context in Transforms


Transforms ship with the Apache Velocity template engine, which allows a transform to reference, transform, and render values passed into the transform context.

The following variables are available to the Apache Velocity template engine when a transform is used to source an identity attribute:

identitysailpoint.object.IdentityThis is the identity the attribute promotion is performed on.
attributeDefinitionsailpoint.object.AttributeDefinitionThis is the definition of the attribute being promoted.
oldValueObjectThis is the attribute's previous value.

For available methods on these objects see our Rules Java Docs.


These examples will help you learn what you can do with the identity context.


You can use $identity, as well as the other variables, in all transform operations.

Get the ID of the identity's manager

You must use a firstValid. If the identity does not have a manager, getManager() returns null.

"type": "firstValid",
"attributes": {
"values": [
"no manager exists"

Get a custom attribute of the identity's manager

You must use a firstValid. If the identity does not have a manager, getManager() returns null.

"type": "firstValid",
"attributes": {
"values": [
"no manager exists"

Get managerial status of the identity

This example would get a boolean response indicating whether the identity is listed as the manager of another identity.

"type": "static",
"attributes": {
"value": "$identity.getManagerStatus()"

Get an identity's accounts

This example would get an identity's various associated source accounts.

"type": "static",
"attributes": {
"value": "$identity.getLinks()"

Get details of an account on a specified application/source

The below examples pull in the SailPoint-generated account ID for the first account an identity has on a source, but you can replace id with the name of the attribute you're interested in retrieving.

To retrieve an attribute from an identity's account in a specific source, by Source ID:

"type": "firstValid",
"attributes": {
"values": [
"type": "static",
"attributes": {
"value": "$identity.getLinksByAppIdOrName("2c918088814e6a610181686b56977fa8",null\")[0].id"
"ignoreErrors": true

To retrieve an attribute from an identity's account in a specific source, by Source Name:


Note the [source] at the end of the Source Name in the below example. This is required for all sources other than the internal IdentityNow source.

"type": "firstValid",
"attributes": {
"values": [
"type": "static",
"attributes": {
"value": "$identity.getLinksByAppIdOrName(null,\"Active Directory [source]\")[0].id"
"ignoreErrors": true

Get a comma separated list of account names from an application/source

This is the velocity logic of the transform:

/* Loop through accounts returned from get accounts by application id */
#foreach($account in $identity.getLinksByAppIdOrName("2c918088814e6a610181686b56977fa8",null))
#if($foreach.index + 1 != $identity.getLinks().size()) /* If we are not on the last item, include a comma */
"type": "static",
"attributes": {
"value": "#foreach($account in $identity.getLinksByAppIdOrName(\"2c918088814e6a610181686b56977fa8\",null))#if($foreach.index + 1 != $identity.getLinks().size())$account.getNativeIdentity(),#else$account.getNativeIdentity()#end#end"



If you assign a variable with the identity attribute context, doing so will cast the type to a string.

For example, you may do this if you wanted to assign the identity's manager object to a variable and then get additional data from it.

"type": "static",
"attributes": {
"manager": "$identity.getManager()",
"value": "$manager.getStringAttribute('country')"
"type": "static",
"attributes": {
"managerCountry": "$identity.getManager().getStringAttribute('country')",
"value": "$managerCountry"