Transform - how to provide documentation within the transform

Is there a way within a transform to have documentation as to the purpose of the transform, author, date implemented, version, etc?

Example: With a lifecycle transform it would be nice to state who the original author was, a brief summary of what the transform does rather than having to analyze the Velocity expression, and maybe a version or original creation date, etc. What best practices are others using to document their transforms within IDN itself?


Hi Fred, I unfortunately the answer is negative. This is because transforms are written in JSON format. And JSON was created for only support data, and comments were deliberately took away from this language by its creator.

I saw that some ones user json attributes to add pseudo-comments, but I tried creating a transform with them and it appears to only accept the attributes/objects especified in documentation:

See in image that transform is created, but “comment” attrbute is not present in the created transform.

This could work If Sailpoint made a “Metadata” list node in the transform JSON, and then in that metadata list node you could then have child attributes of the different pieces of data. (owner, description, etc.)

It’s a good idea, but you need SailPoint to add it.
You should use SailPoint’s Ideas portal and make a suggestion.

I’d vote for it! :slight_smile:

I agree chad, sometimes transform gets very intrincated. There is a better option than UserVoice, Sailpoint has its own Ideas Portal, where you can post your idea and people vote for it. Besides if an idea have several votes or not, if Sailpoint sees that idea is a good option, they may implement it too.

I have some limitation in a project in the past, and there where an idea that should solve it. We open a case and Sailpoint CSM told us to vote that idea, and it is now implemented.

Here it is:

I created an Idea for this. Please feel free to visit it and vote for it.

Ability to add documentation to a transform | SailPoint Ideas Portal

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