The system cannot \"Update Identity Profile\" while Identity Tasks are in progress

is there a way target the identity tasks and force complete it. Background tasks are preventing updates to identity profile. I am trying to update the priority on idp.

Hi @nikeshpark29,

you can get the list of pending task in your tenant using api.

Once you get the list job, you can update the job staus to complete using below api and body.


    op”: “replace”,
    “path”: “ /completed”,“
    value”: “2024 - 08 - 16 T00: 00: 00 Z”
}, {
    op”: “replace”,
    “path”: “ /completionStatus”,“
    value”: “Success”



@Arun-Kumar Good Information.

Thank you.

Shekhar Das

Hi Arun,

even when i assign offest=1500, api returns list of pending tasks.

so there are thousands of them

Goto Monitor and see if any jobs are in the que then goto pending task api and search for jobs. Grab the id of the job you want to complete and send out the api and script. That should stop the pending task and you should be good to go.

Good answers above, another thing to keep in mind if you continually see this kind of message is you may have a stuck task, in that case it’s a good idea to reach out to support.

1 Like

I use a script like the following:

    [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

$configObject = Get-Content -Raw -Path $configPath | ConvertFrom-Json

$tokenURI = "$($configObject.v2URI)/oauth/token?grant_type=client_credentials&client_id=$($configObject.personalId)&client_secret=$($configObject.personalSecret)"
$token = Invoke-RestMethod -Method POST -Uri $tokenURI

function Get-PendingTasks () {
    $pageSize = 250

    Do {
        Write-Host "$($configObject.v2URI)/beta/task-status/pending-tasks/?limit=$($pageSize)&offset=$($currentCount)"
        $resp = Invoke-RestMethod -Method GET -Uri "$($configObject.v2URI)/beta/task-status/pending-tasks?limit=$($pageSize)&offset=$($currentCount)" -Headers @{Authorization = "Bearer $($token.access_token)"}
        $currentCount = $currentCount + $resp.Count

        $respList = $respList + $resp
        Write-Host $currentCount
        Write-Host "$($resp.Count)"

    While ($resp.Count -eq $pageSize)
    return $respList

if ($token ) {
    $taskList = Get-PendingTasks
    $provisioningTasks = $taskList | WHERE-OBJECT {$_.uniqueName -like "Cloud Access Request Provisioning*"}
    $provisioningTasks | Export-CSV -NoTypeInformation -Path ".\provisioningTasks.csv"

    $taskList = $taskList | WHERE-OBJECT {$_.uniqueName -notlike "Cloud Access Request Provisioning*"}
    $taskList | Export-CSV -NoTypeInformation -Path ".\PendingTasks.csv"

    $today = Get-Date -Format "o"

    if (!$exportOnly) {
        $taskList | forEach {
            $taskId = $
            $patchURI = "$($configObject.v2URI)/beta/task-status/$($taskId)"

            $updateList = New-Object System.Collections.ArrayList
            $statusUpdateObj = [PSCustomObject]@{
                op  = "replace"
                path = "/completionStatus"
                value = "Success"
            $updateList.Add($statusUpdateObj) > $null

            $dateUpdateObj = [PSCustomObject]@{
                op  = "replace"
                path = "/completed"
                value = "$($today)"

            $updateList.Add($dateUpdateObj) > $null

            $updateJSON = ConvertTo-Json @($updateList) -Depth 8 -Compress
            Invoke-RestMethod -Method PATCH -Uri $patchURI -Headers @{Authorization = "Bearer $($token.access_token)";"ContentType" = "application/json-patch+json"} -Body $updateJSON -ContentType "application/json-patch+json"

This script gets all pending tasks, eliminates anything with a name that includes “Cloud Access Request Provisioning” (not that I know it will cause any issues - it just scared me to kill those tasks), then marks the rest complete.

The “configFile” that it takes in as a parameter is a json file with connection information - not super-secure, but functional. it looks like the following:

	"v2URI": 		"",
	"personalId": "123cee3936ae4d76a6a38360417a1dc31",
	"personalSecret": "a84e5d1545ab0f90e2a85349ad25a8eeed9002f3e9d139a5751c5c50acb3cc84a"

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