T2 Account change password functionality

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Version 8.3

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If user is having T2 account then he should b able to select T2 account from the Username List and then he should be able to set the new password for that T2 account.
In this we have to change the mode here it says if user having both the accounts T2 & T3 then both should be visible to change password.
Then we should Allow user to choose any among them and set a new password. How to do this any one can help

@haseenfarzana25 you want to say, you have multiple accounts for same identity ? if that was the case then your both account should link with same identity. pls share some more details.

8.3 IdentityIQ Password Management Guide - Compass (sailpoint.com)

yes for both the account user can able to change password while changing password user can see both the account and select among them and change password

@haseenfarzana25 is both account linked with same identity ? if not try to move manually in same user. then try ?

not linked in same identity how to move manually to same user by created another user or how ? can u explain me clearly

@haseenfarzana25 Go in identity warehouse → search with account name like first.last → open that identity → go in application accounts tab → here you can select and move account to that identity.

Here is link

Solved: Uncorrelate Manually Correlated Accounts - Compass (sailpoint.com)

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ok sure let me do that step and after that how can i do set password change functionality for that user

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