Severe Error when Workgroup members try to remove entitlements from Identities

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Version 8.2

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Hello all- was wondering if someone could please help us with an urgent issue regarding Workgroups removing entitlements from identities that they manage. We’ve run across an issue where Workgroup administrators/members are getting a severe error when trying to remove entitlements from identities that their workgroup manages. They do not encounter this error when adding entitlements. I’ve attached a screenshot of one of the Workgroups with the “Entitlement Administrator” capability which should give access to add and remove correct? Unless there’s different access that needs to be setup?

I’ve also attached a screenshot of the Severe error the Workgroup members get when trying to remove entitlements.

Thank you for any help you can provide, this issue has been ongoing and unsure as of right now a good fix.

Can you please provide error logs from server level to check on this.

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