Advanced Policy- Performing Revocations

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Version 8.X

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I have an Advanced Policy setup to flag violations where if a user has Entitlement 1, they must also at least 1 of Entitlement 2 or Entitlement 3. For accounts violating this policy, we’d like to remove Entitlement 1 from their profile.
Is creating a Business Process for this policy the only way to accomplish this? If yes, is there any sample Workflow that can be referred to do this?

exmaple workflows related to policy are available in exampleworkflow.xml inside your iiq installation config folder.
Alternatevly I think there are 3 or 4 options available to correct the violation 1)Allow violation 2) certify violation etc…

Hi @raghavsharma11

I guess you are looking for Detective Policy violation not Preventive one ?


Yes, it is a Detective policy, and not using SoD policy because of the requirement- hence I guess will need a Business Process to perform revocations. If there are any other alternative please let me know?

That’s correct, and since it’s not an SOD policy, a Revoke option is not directly available.