Share all details about your problem, including any error messages you may have received.
When using the Advanced Entitlement Policy (xml listed above), when violations are found it does not bring back the conflicting entitlements nor the appropriate Recipient in the “Correct Violation” box for the application that the violation has occurred for. How do we get the appropriate data to display in the Correct Violation Work Item? This only happens when using the Advanced Entitlement Policy type.
This is the default behavior of advance SOD Rule. As it is not certain which all entitlements will be considered for removal, so it does not have this action. Also, advance SOD is not only restricted to entitlement, and it is open ended way for Policy implementation and so you do not have option for revoke.
Can you confirm if you are using workflow/workitem based remediation process or using OOTB policy violation page to take action?
If it is later then you have to develop some plugin to mimic revoke use-case as it is there for other SOD type.
We are using the OOTB Violation Page to take action. I’m not very versed in creating a workflow or workitem to resolve this issue. Is this something you could provide direction on?
You can refer to below given link that can be helpful while implementing advance SOD via workflow. Also, I have attached sample workflow that is shipped with SailPoint as an example.
Sample Workflow :
<Workflow name='Policy Violation'
<Variable name='approvalObject' input='true'>
PolicyViolation to process. Note that we use approvalObject for
consistency with other workflows, but the violation has already
been persisted. Calling the commit or rollback actions will
have no effect.
<Variable name='approver' input='true'>
The user to receive the work item, normally the owner of
the policy.
<Variable name='violator' input='true'>
The identity that has the violation.
<Variable name='approved'>
Internal variable automatically set logically true an Approval
process completes with no rejects.
<Variable name='action'>
Variable that may be set in the approval page to determine
the action to take on this violation. We handle violation approvals
differently than most work items. There is no "reject" there
is a selection of an action (mitigate, remediate, delete, ignroe)
followed by buttons that always post approval.
<Variable name='expiration'>
Variable that must be set to a Date (or the String representation
of a Date) in order to use the "mitigate" action. This will
be tested in the call:mitigate handler and logged if it is invalid.
You may wish to have the worklfow do it's own validation.
<Variable name='comments'>
Variable that may be set to comments to be included with
a mitigation or remediation.
<Variable name='remediatables' initializer='call:getRemediatables'>
Variable that may be set to a list of things that can
be selected for remediation. Currently this will only
be set for Role SOD violations.
<Variable name='remediations'>
Variable holding the remediatables selected in the work item.
<Step name='Start'>
<Transition to='No Approver'
when='approver == unbound || approver == null'/>
<Step name='Approve'>
The example page posts action values taken from the
names of the CertificationAction.Status enumeration
(Approved, Mitigated, Remediated, Acknowledged) plus
a few custom ones (Ignored, Deleted).
<Approval owner='ref:approver' renderer='policyViolation.xhtml'
send='launcher,approvalObject,remediatables' return='action,expiration,remediations,comments'>
<Arg name='workItemDescription'
value='Review violation of policy $(script:approvalObject.getPolicyName();) on $(violator)'/>
<Arg name="workItemType" value="PolicyViolation"/>
String error = null;
String action = (String)item.getAttribute("action");
if ("Mitigated".equals(action)) {
// make sure they've selected a date
Date expiration = item.getDate("expiration");
if (expiration == null) {
// TODO: should make sure it's a valid date too
error = "Please enter an expiration date";
else if ("Remediated".equals(action)) {
// make sure they've selected some remediatables
List remediations = item.getList("remediations");
if (remediatables != null &&
remediatables.size() > 0 &&
(remediations == null || remediations.size() == 0)) {
error = "Please select items to remediate";
else if (action == null || action.trim().length() == 0 ||
"none".equals(action)) {
error = "Please select an action.";
return error;
<Transition to='Mitigate' when='"Mitigated".equals(action)'/>
<Transition to='Remediate' when='"Remediated".equals(action)'/>
<Transition to='Delete' when='"Deleted".equals(action)'/>
<!-- should be Acknowledged -->
<Transition to='Ignore'/>
<Step name='Mitigate' action='call:mitigateViolation'>
Setup a mitigation expiration and other certification artifacts
that make it look like the violation was mitigated through
the normal cert process or the violation management pages.
<Transition to='End'/>
<Step name='Remediate' action='call:remediateViolation'>
Setup a remediation and other certification artifacts
that make it look like the violation was mitigated through
the normal cert process or the violation management pages.
<Arg name='remediations' value='ref:remediations'/>
<Transition to='End'/>
<Step name='Delete' action='call:delete'>
Delete the violation so it doesn't continue to show up in the UI.
<Transition to='End'/>
<Step name='Ignore' action='call:ignore'>
Leave the violation in place.
<Transition to='End'/>
<Step name='No Approver' action='call:print'>
<Arg name='message' value='No approver for policy $(script:approvalObject.policyName)'/>
<Step name='End'/>