Set entitlements as non requestable during aggregation


Is there a way to set entitlements as non-requestable during aggregation? Can I use the after operation rule to set the requestable flag to false in the updatedAccountOrGroupList map ?
Example: I have a webservices connector that is running entitlement aggregation and by default I want to set all the entitlements as non-requestable.

Vinit Lodaya

Hello @vinit31,

I have a webservices connector that I do entitlement aggregation on where I do not map the requestable flag. When I do this the entitlements show up as non-requestable, you may not have to use a rule at all.

If you already do not include a mapping and the entitlements still show up as requestable by default then the best route would be to modify the requestable flag for each entitlement in the updatedAccountOrGroupList map as you stated.

ok, thank you @tyler_mairose.

Hello @tyler_mairose, I tried setting the requestable flag in the updatedAccountOrGroupList map using the processedResponseObject and setting it in the “data” key but it didnt work.

processedResponseObject== [{name=test-user-group4, id=1212SDASDAmqWdOzHZ7l7g, requestable=true}]"

Vinit Lodaya