Entitlement - Web Services Connector issue (After Operation Rule)

Hello everyone !

I’m currently working on the aggregation of a fictive entitlement for a WebServices connector (JAM) in order to proceed to the provisioning of my source.

I managed to create the entitlement “jamAccess” thanks to the following After Operation Rule :

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;

try {
  Map m = new HashMap();
  m.put("groupid", "jamAccess");
  if (processedResponseObject == null) {
    processedResponseObject = new ArrayList();
  Map updatedMapInfo = new HashMap();
  updatedMapInfo.put("data", processedResponseObject);
  // Return the updated map
  return updatedMapInfo;
} catch (Exception ex) {
  log.error("An issue occurred");

Following the aggregation process on IdentityNow, the entitlement appears correctly when clicking on the source. However, there is little to nothing I can do with it. There’s no way to add the entitlement to my Access Profile, being met with an error which tells me to contact my administrator.

To make a few more tests, I set the entitlement as requestable and tried granting it to one of my identities. Yet, when checking the identity’s activity, I have an error which goes as follows, “NullPointerException” :


I strongly believe that there is an issue with my rule, probably something missing. What do you think ?

Thanks in advance !

Have you checked in the end system “JAM” if the group has been created?

My understanding of “After Operation” rules is that it modifies the Response received “After” the operation initiated by the provisioning is completed, which means the “groupid” you have added to the processedResponseObject has no effect on what changes have been made to the end system.

Hello @iam_nithesh,

Thank you for your reply !

Allow me to apologize for the delay of my answer.

We managed to add the entitlement in our Access Profile by resetting the entitlements of our source, and then did an aggregation. The entitlement was added to the Access Profile without any issue afterwards.

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