ServiceNow ServiceDesk Connector for Incident Request

Hi @murali_kundu ,

Thanks for your input, For one SDIM application we can generate only one type of request at a time, then Can we create another SIDM application with another ticket type?

Is it the correct understanding?

Can you explain how to configure the “incident request” here

<entry key="incident">
            <entry key="provision">
                  <entry key="resource" value="/api/now/import/x_sap_sdim_incident"/>
                  <entry key="responseElement" value="result[0].display_value"/>
                  <entry key="request">
                        <entry key="u_description" value="#foreach($req in $plan.requests) #if($req.operation == 'Create') Create Account on application $req.resource #else For $ in application $req.resource #end #if($req.items) $newline  #foreach($item in $req.items) #if ($ == '*disabled*' &amp;&amp; $item.value == 'true') Disable Account. $newline #elseif ($ == '*disabled*' &amp;&amp; $item.value == 'false') Enable Account. $newline #elseif ($ == '*locked*' &amp;&amp; $item.value == 'false') Unlock Account. $newline #else $!item.Operation $ $item.value $newline #end #end #else $newline $!req.Operation Account #end #end" />
                        <entry key="u_short_description" value="IdentityIQ Access Request $!plan.arguments.identityRequestId" />
                        <entry key="u_opened_by" value="$!plan.arguments.opened_by" />
                        <entry key="u_caller_id" value="$!plan.arguments.requested_for" />
                        <entry key="u_impact" value="3" />
                        <entry key="u_urgency" value="3" />
                        <entry key="u_assignment_group" value="Service Desk" />
                        <entry key="u_contact_type" value="email" />
            <entry key="checkStatus">
                  <entry key="resource" value="/api/now/table/incident" />
                  <entry key="responseElement" value="$.result[0].incident_state"/>
                  <entry key="closureCodeResponseElement" value="$.result[0].close_code"/>
                  <entry key="checkStatusQueryParam">
                        <entry key="sysparm_query" value="number=$ticketId" />
                        <entry key="sysparm_fields" value="incident_state,close_code" />