Retry settings for "IdentityIQ for ServiceNow Service Desk"

Which IIQ version are you inquiring about?

Version 8.3

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We have onboarded the disconnected application to IIQ and used “IdentityIQ for ServiceNow Service Desk” for servicenow ticket creation, now we have requirement to add retriable errors, so it can retry if any error occurred when access is requested for the disconnected app .

Can you please confirm whether we need to add below settings on application xml of “IdentityIQ for ServiceNow Service Desk” or Disconnected application’s xml?


Hi Shivanand,
If you created disconnected application - then no provisioning is happening therefore you cannot use standard retry mechanism that way.

That means you have to add it into the ServiceNow Service Desk integration - here you can find details

Hi @kjakubiak
Thanks for the reply,

As per the document it says to add below variables to disconnected apps

And when I tried with adding these variables only on “ServiceNow Service Desk integration”, it is still trying infinite times for every one hour (which is default setting)

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