ServiceNow service catalog module

Hi Experts,

I am having issue with status update back to SailPoint once the SailPoint generated request is closed from Servicenow. SailPoint status still shows as executing. There is also mismatch between REQ status generated from SailPoint and the RITM status for the same REQ. Is there any way to sync the RITM status and REQ status?

Thank you!

Hi Sanjay,

Is this related to ServiceDesk or Service Catalog integration? Can you please explain your issue in details.

On high-level, if your concern is about Service Catalog integration and the ticket generated via it, then once the request comes to SailPoint, SailPoint executes the request, upon certain interval ServiceNow checks the access request entry in ISC and based on that ticket status in ServiceNow gets changed. This interval can be changed. Request generated via Service Catalog doesn’t have the SCTASK associated with it.

Sailpoint will monitor the REQ status only - ServiceNow should be syncing the status of related RITM and SCTASK

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