Send Email without an email template

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Version 8.4

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I am trying to send an email from a rule. In the past I have been able to use emailOptions.setBody () and emailOptions.setSubject() to set a body and subject but looks like I cant do that anymore. I am getting an error when I use those methods. Is there a way to achieve this?

below one works on 8.3p3

  EmailTemplate template = new EmailTemplate();
  EmailOptions options = new EmailOptions("email address",null);
  template.setBody("test!!!") ;
  template.setSubject("test email without emailtemplate") ;
  context.sendEmailNotification(template, options);

I have tested below in 8.4 it works fine. Please check.

EmailTemplate template = context.getObject(EmailTemplate.class, "ABC TEST");
  //EmailTemplate template = new EmailTemplate();
  EmailOptions options = new EmailOptions("email address",null);
  template.setBody("test!!!") ;
  template.setSubject("test email without emailtemplate") ;
  context.sendEmailNotification(template, options);

@HemantSingh . Thanks so much. I realize I was passing body and Subject to the emailOptions constructor and not to the template constructor.

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