Send Active Directory Account Deletion Notification Workflow

I created workflow to send leaver employee manager that the AD account will be deleted after x days.

appreciate if anyone can support me knowing where is the issue in the workflow.

the workflow executed successfully but i can see {“error”:“MutationStep(Define Variable) Err: bad json path: must start with $”,“workflowId”:“xxxx-e2b8-4461-baa9-bf2f7f482f41-10”}

In Compare Timestamps try:

Value 2: $defineVariable.23DaysAfterLastWorkingDate

still getting the same error.

Hi Ahmed, I would put an Send Email box below Define Variable action (I use Send Email as a “logger”). Then, in this Send Email, put your own mailbox, some subject and in body put the defined variables. Look at what are these variable results, if they are as expected or perhaps error are in this box (if they are correct, then we will move below in the flow).

Other point, testing Scheduled triggers are complex because they respect the configured cron pattern. I usually put any trigger (for example, identity created) just to can use the test function. Then when all works, I replace with the scheduled trigger again.

Could you share the Configurations of define variable

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