SCIM PUT Does not work as expected

I have question on update our scim xml file with to make use
of our PUT /Users instead of PUT /Groups.

  1. Add entitlement: When i tried adding entitlement for an user, PUT /users is getting called but the required group is not been send as part of the PUT request.

ex: I am trying to add group_1 for an account abc, and abc is already part of group_2 and group_3. Below is how the put request looks like

I don’t see group_1 is coming as part of the request.

Can some one help why is it happening like this ? what would be wrong

  1. Remove Entitlement: When i tried removing entitlement for an user, instead of PUT /Users getting called it is calling PUT /Groups. I already updated to use GroupsViaUsers as true, not sure why is it calling PUT /Groups instead of PUT /Users. Any thoughts or suggestions on this ?

Hi @guduru510

Ad per the RFC 7644: System for Cross-domain Identity Management: Protocol ( , group membership management is handled by group endpoint rather than user endpoint.

The following example shows how to add a member to a group.  Some
   text was removed for readability (indicated by "..."):

   PATCH /Groups/acbf3ae7-8463-...-9b4da3f908ce
   Accept: application/scim+json
   Content-Type: application/scim+json
   Authorization: Bearer h480djs93hd8
   If-Match: W/"a330bc54f0671c9"

   { "schemas":
           "display": "Babs Jensen",
           "value": "2819c223-7f76-453a-919d-413861904646"

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