Salesforce disable account

Hi all

I´m having trouble disabling accounts in Salesforce. The connector comes back with this error message:

["[ ConnectorException ] \n [ Error details ] INVALID_FIELD: No such column \u0027IIQDisabled\u0027 on entity \u0027User\u0027

Changing the attribute to “IsActive” in the provisioning policy gives another error:

["[ ConnectorException ] \n [ Error details ] A duplicate value was specified for field \u0027IsActive\u0027 in object

Any idea what I´m doing wrong?

Kind regards
Jarle Mortensen

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Hi @jarlem

Welcome to SailPoint developer community.

Looks like you are provisioning IQDisabled attribute to Salesforce which doesn’t exist at Salesforce end, it is limited to IDN.

Yes, but i tried to change that to IsActive which is a Salesforce attribute. See my second error message

Maybe I need to look at a before provisioning rule in this case?

Any chance that this IsActive attribute exists 2 times in your create provisioning policy form ?

Just checked that, and it´s only one time as a static value

Ok, is the static value true ?

Can you check the Account Activity, see Account Request, that might give us some idea on what data is being sent to Salesforce.

Yes, IsActive is set to static eq true in the account create profile.

This is the complete error message (from events, nothing on account activity)




[“[ ConnectorException ] \n [ Error details ] A duplicate value was specified for field \u0027IsActive\u0027 in object \u0027User\u0027, duplicate value \u0027false\u0027 prior value \u0027false\u0027connector.sdk.webservices.exception.WebServicesSdkException: \u003c?xml version\u003d"1.0" encoding\u003d"UTF-8"?\u003e\u003csoapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv\u003d"\”\u003e\u003csoapenv:Body\u003e\u003csoapenv:Fault\u003e\u003cfaultcode\u003esoapenv:Client\u003c/faultcode\u003e\u003cfaultstring\u003eA duplicate value was specified for field \u0026apos;IsActive\u0026apos; in object \u0026apos;User\u0026apos;, duplicate value \u0026apos;false\u0026apos; prior value \u0026apos;false\u0026apos;\u003c/faultstring\u003e\u003c/soapenv:Fault\u003e\u003c/soapenv:Body\u003e\u003c/soapenv:Envelope\u003e",“[ ConnectorException ] \n [ Error details ] A duplicate value was specified for field \u0027IsActive\u0027 in object \u0027User\u0027, duplicate value \u0…penv:Envelope\u003e”]



OK, is this disable account through Identity Profile - Provisioning LCS ?

Ultimately that is the goal. This is error comes from “disable account” under accounts on the identity.

A restart of the VA in sandbox fixed the issue. I´ve seen some other weird issues with the sandbox, like unable to enable applications, so I´ll raise a ticket with support. Thanks


Good that it worked @jarlem

I was replicating the issue, maybe it is trying to send same value for IsActive : false but it already false at Salesforce side but not aggregated to IDN. Not aggregated because of VA, maybe.

Anyway, it is good that issue fixed for you.

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