could not resolve property: department of: sailpoint.object.Identity

I am looking to create a group in iiq which is installed locally in my laptop. the Group will be the separating the identities based on their department. Can anybody please help ? could not resolve property: department of: sailpoint.object.Identity

I tried to create the group in iiq by following this path within the UI

setup → groups → create new group

Hi @shiva_shankar13,

in some place you are tring to use an attribute of identity called department but it dont exist and not related of group creation.

Look at you idenitity mapping and verify if this attribute exists. If not exist, you can create it.

Hi Shiva,

Could you please share the screenshot of identity mapping for department attribute?


Hi Shiva,

Department attribute must be searchable attribute.


look from debug, if this attribute have the attribute namedcolumn or extedendNumber.
If yes, the error means that you dont have the relative column in your DB and you must create it

can you please let me know in which object type I need to check?

and If I need to create the department attribute in DB, what is the query I need to give can you please suggest?

By default when I create the department attribute, iiq has only two options multi valued and group factory.

Please share from your debug page, ObjectConfig Identity.xml , your department should be marked as searchable and named attribute as true.
and it should be present at server level hbm file and have to run DB scheme query

Please refer below document on creating a searchable extended attribute on Identity

Managing Extended Attributes - Compass (

You can update the identity attribute as searchable from debug page. Go to debug ---->select identity Object config and the update the department attribute. Please share the identity Object config XML file.

Add extendedNumber=“2” this entry on line number 216. If the extendedNumber=“2” already used for any other attribute, you can change the number to next available number. Remove line number 215 which is not valid.

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Thank you so much @Arun-Kumar , @iamksatish , @enistri_devo I have added this line to ObjectConfig - Identity: “extendedNumber2” and that worked.

Thanks for all your assistance.


Happy to help!!! Feel free to mark as solution :slightly_smiling_face:


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